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impact today

The Bible teaches us that the standard for giving is called the tithe. We put God first when we give the first 10% of our income back to Him through the church. We believe when we manage money God’s way, the results are life-changing.


  • Your gift is between you and God. You may notice we don’t pass an offering plate. Instead, we have “Tithe + Offering” boxes at the back of the room where we worship. On Sundays, there is also a way to tap your phone behind each seat that directs you to our online giving. 

    You can receive a tax-deductible giving credit by placing cash in one of our giving envelopes located outside the giving box. Please make sure to label the envelope to ensure we have your information. An envelope is not necessary for checks, unless you’ve recently changed your contact information.

    If you mail your check, please send it to: 806 Sampson St, Unit 322, Houston, TX 77003

  • Eden Church Houston strives in every way to be as transparent as possible. Our oversight consists of pastors we trust to lead and hold our church and pastors accountable. We report to them regularly. We will also release an annual guide showing where money is spent at the end of the year.